At Town of Hayden’s City Council meeting Law Enforcement Specialists owner, Bonnie Lucas, presents a $10K check to the newly formed Hayden Police Honor Guard.
What is an honor guard and what does it do? A police honor guard is a ceremonial unit of sworn police officers who perform a variety of duties to honor law enforcement and represent their department, including:
• Funerals: Honor guards attend the funerals of fallen officers and their families, and may provide an avenue for the casket and pallbearers to pass through. Buglers may play taps to show respect for the deceased and those in attendance.
- Parades: Honor guards march with the flag in parades and other formal ceremonies.
- Casket watches: Honor guards escort families and coworkers to viewing rooms.
- Public events: Honor guards greet the public at events and may post the colors.
- Retirements: Honor guards attend retirements and other civic events.
- Honor guards also train in marching, saluting, and folding casket flags. They aim to present a positive image to the public and uphold high standards of appearance and conduct.

From left to right is Corporal Edward Swan, Bonnie Lucas and Officer Ian Murton. Team members not shown are Sgt. Ben Nava and Officer Heather Tuka.