Kitchen aids destined for the Tri-Community Food Bank.

  For several years Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church has hosted a special Sunday program called “Faith in Action” where congregants and guests get involved in activities that benefit others in our neighboring communities.  There are a variety of activities that involve people in projects designed to show our love for our neighbors.  Having faith is not enough, it is an ability to believe, but you must act on that ability to believe.

  This church is Centered in Christ, Caring for Community, and the recent morning of expressing that caring resulted in assistance to people in Catalina who needed help with home and garden chores, entertaining residents at Brookdale Care Facility with joyous music.  Easter cards were created for clients of Interfaith Community Services that will be delivered with meals on wheels.  Dresses for little girls in Africa were assembled by industrious women redesigning pillow cases; letters were sent to missionaries who have ongoing relations with MSPC, and large quantities of clothes and hygiene items were collected, sorted, and ready for transportation to  Sister Jose Women’s Center in Tucson.  Still one more group of parishioners work on maintenance projects at the church.

  And that’s not all!  Children’s books were collected, cleaned and prepared for the Literacy Connect program in Tucson. Kitchen Aids was a category for cooking and hygiene items destined for the Tri-Community Food Bank in Mammoth. Six specific items for cooking and cleaning were delivered to TCFB as needed.  For those unable to work on projects, donations were happily received.

  After spending time on the projects, a special service honoring Faith in Action was held in the sanctuary, and was followed by a shared lunch of sandwiches, chips, cookies, and good conversation.  All of this was coordinated by Laura Carey, Mission and Outreach Elder, who worked with a team to generate the activities and help determine which organizations would truly benefit from the program.

  Mountain Shadows is located at 14240 N. Oracle, in Catalina.  A website: can answer questions.  Need more information?  Call us at 825-7858.  This is an energetic congregation Centered on Christ and Caring for Community, and a group of people who truly believe in that as we live out our beliefs by loving others and caring for their needs.