By Tom O’Connor

  A beautiful Great Grandmother reflects on days gone by while enjoying the Great Gila River.  She guides a determined Great Granddaughter digging and planting her first tree that will one day provide much needed shade and respite for others.

  Thoughts of an old Volkswagen floating down the river, an old fun river tree rope hung years ago all the while having wishes for a safe, loving and happy future for her offspring and Kearny! 

  The Winkelman NRCD, led by Becky and Bill Dunn, and other volunteers babied and planted 750 river trees to rid the banks of obnoxious Salt Cedar scrubs crowding our wetlands in Kearny.  A shout out to KYLE, the lead horticulturist who guided this successful planting as well as the Oracle team volunteers who made it happen!

  Think about it, 750 new trees right in Kearny’s backyard getting ready for a new generation to enjoy!  An impressive showing of volunteers including three ambitious young citizens, Justin better known as JR, Melaney and one of Kyle’s favorite nephews, Graham, all future leaders!  Not to mention Graham’s Mom showing good stewardship to Graham’s new brother.  There were also two very energetic Mormon Missionaries, our Oracle neighbors and Kearny citizens.  What a noteworthy accomplishment!

  Oh wait, there is more! This team is planning more plantings in the future!  If you missed out on the fun and a fabulous lunch followed by the very best Strawberry shortcake this side of my own Mom’s, just watch the news for more plantings, even public gardens and new friendships! 

  In the words of Kearny’s Mayor Jamie Ramsey, this was and will continue to be an “Historic Moment” for Kearny, Arizona!  Thank you!