By Mila Besich

Superior’s Class of 2024 Salutatorian is Jalyn Perez, left, and Valedictorian is Sussan Mancinas.
Every May, the flurry of activity increases at Superior Unified School District as the school and community prepare to celebrate the end of another school year. From honors assemblies and sports banquets, students of all grades and ages are celebrated; but no other celebration tops the important celebration of High School Commencement.
During a quiet morning in May, Copper Area News, met with the Superior Junior Senior High class of 2024 Valedictorian Sussan Mancinas and Salutatorian Jalyn Perez on what would be their last official day of high school to celebrate their accomplishments and share a bit about about where they are going in the future.
Sussan Mancinas is the 2024 Valedictorian at Superior Junior-Senior High School. She is the daughter of Juaquin and Maria Mancinas. She has been active student during her high school career, excelling academically she was also involved athletically and played Volleyball, Basketball, Softball and was also a Cheerleader. She also was actively involved in Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council, and served as an ambassador for the College Knowing and Going program.
Jalyn Perez is the 2024 Salutatorian at Superior Junior Senior High School. She is the daughter of Johnny and Melissa Perez. Her spot as the Salutatorian also well deserved as she excelled academically while actively participating in clubs and athletics. She played Volleyball, Basketball and Softball throughout High School and actively participated in Student Council and served as a College Knowing and Going Ambassador.
What will their future hold? Both Sussan and Jalyn plan to attend to Northern Arizona University in the fall. Sussan plans to study Computer Sciences. Her intentions are to further her education following a bachelor’s degree. Her career goal is to become a computer information systems database architect.
Jalyn Perez also plans to attend NAU this fall and is planning to focus her degree in the medical field. She has not yet fully declared a specificity in her major but is leaning towards a degree in nursing. Her long term plan is to attain her degree and work in the medical field close to home (Superior).
The two shared some of their favorite memories of high school and their youth in Superior. From long road trips for sporting events and being with their friends, there were lots of memories made for both of them. For Jalyn some of her favorite memories were all the activities during Volleyball season. Sussan also had many memories from road trips and sports, but some of her favorites were the times spent passing between classes in the hallways of Superior Junior-Senior High School.
Knowing that soon their lives as they have known them will be changing, they also shared what they will miss most about their high school years.
“I will miss all the underclassmen and the friends I didn’t expect to meet,” explained Sussan.
“I am going to miss my classmates the most,” said Jalyn.
Their advice to the underclassmen starting high school and those still working their way through high school: “Plan accordingly, everything seems like a lot but there are many people who can help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help,” said Sussan. Jalyn shared, “Everything will work out and it will all be okay.”
As they closed out their interview both expressed their sincere thanks to Ms. Cameron Vines the School Counselor at Superior Unified School District. Both shared how important her help was to finishing high school and being ready to go to college.
Both smiled when asked about their graduation speeches and explained they hadn’t quite started their first drafts, but were excited to give their remarks on graduation, which is scheduled for Friday, May 24, 2024 at the Superior Memorial Football Field at 7 p.m.