Looking back at 2020, our attention easily gravitates towards the anxiety and loss caused by the raging COVID-19 Pandemic; state and federal election debates, and of course, the civil unrest that broke out across the nation. It is often hard to remember some of the good things that happened. We all have dealt with the loss of loved ones, cancelled plans and at some point, the uncertainty has made us all feel a bit uneasy and stressed.
Reflecting on this past year, I found so many areas of achievement that we all can be proud of. The Town of Superior finished many projects and improved the overall outlook for our entire community. Major park projects were completed, including the new playground and dog park at the US 60 Park, stage and amphitheater in downtown, and the swimming pool park now has a kiddie playground with shade structure. We continued to work on road repairs and this year Stone Avenue, a major north-south thoroughfare in town, was resurfaced. The Legends of Superior Trails alignment was completed, after a decade of planning, coordinating and fundraising. ADOT made repairs to the sidewalks and guardrails on Highway 177 and US 60. New homes were built, and new businesses have opened despite the challenges of the pandemic. The Town’s audit validated that the financial position of the town has improved, and our value increased by twenty percent and we continue to pay down our HURF imbalance. The last available lot at the industrial park was sold and a new company will soon be operating in our industrial park. These are just a few of the long list of Superior’s successes this year.. Our success comes from the dedication of our Town Staff who adjusted their work during the pandemic but remained committed to getting the work completed with integrity and expediency.

What held firm for Superior, despite our challenges, is our community’s spirit of generosity, love and support for one another as neighbors and friends. We mourned together as we lost residents to the pandemic. We found ways to honor and recognize our graduates and celebrate holidays in our community safely. Life did not look the same, but our fighting Superior Spirit remained alive and I look forward to our community events and activities returning when it is safe to do so.
Undoubtedly, 2021 will begin with the lingering challenges of the pandemic and a changing federal administration. The Town will remain focused on maintaining our forward progress. Some of the priority projects we will be focused on is the purchase and renovations of the original Superior High School as our multi-generation center. The construction of our Waste Water Treatment Plant and road resurfacing for Porphyry and several roads on the north side of town. We will complete our annexation, adding 6,000 acres to the southern and western boundaries of Town and we will welcome the Boyce Thompson Arboretum into our Town limits. In early 2021, I anticipate that the Town Council will be finalizing mitigation agreements with Resolution Copper to ensure that the mining operation will be a net positive for the Town and the company can successfully receive the Record of Decision to move onto the next phase of the mine development.
While we all continue to grapple with ongoing pandemic protocols and we hold our breath anticipating potential changes, let us all stand firm as a community to keep our friends, family and neighbors safe and keep our town moving forward. It is important we continue our healthy habits of physical distancing, wearing masks and maintaining good hygiene to slow the spread of the virus.
Let us all renew our commitment to being the best we can possibly be, as individuals and as a unified community, to build the best possible Superior for those of us who are here today and for those who inevitably will establish their lives and livelihoods here in the future.
Together, We are Superior!
Mayor Mila Besich