We looked! And we saw him! The Cat in the Hat!
It was Dr. Seuss Week, Feb. 26 – March 2, 2018 and schools around the country celebrated the writings of the good Doctor and his 114th birthday, March 2.
The Mammoth Elementary STEM School celebrated with different events. On Wednesday, Feb. 28, and Thursday, March 1, community leaders read some Dr. Seuss books to the students. Sgt. Rudy Lujan from the Department of Public Safety read on Wednesday while Mammoth Police Chief Tami Villar and Justice of the Peace Arnold Estrada were there Thursday. Chief Villar was warmly greeted by the preschool kids. She read 10 Apples Up On Top.
Friday, March 2, was Dress Up Day the Seuss Way where the students could wear their pajamas or wacky outfits.
At First Avenue Elementary, Family Night was held on Thursday March 1. Besides reading Dr. Seuss books, there were exhibits related to his stories in different class rooms. One exhibit was based on the book, Oh, the Places You’ll Go, and featured a world map and clothing from different cultures around the world including Scotland, Germany and Mexico.
Kids and parents got to go inside a portable blow up Starlab Planetarium.