There is an old saying, attributed to Abraham Lincoln, which says, “No man is so tall as when he stoops to help a child.”
The Mammoth Police are currently standing tall and are proud to serve, after putting in time and effort to help local children experience a better Christmas.
“Some of the children had no presents until we showed up,” Mammoth Police Chief Rudy Lujan told the Miner in an email. “It was a warm feeling seeing all the kids’ faces light-up with the presents. Merry Christmas from Mammoth Police Department.”
Police officers were able to distribute more than $2,000 worth of gifts that were primarily wrapped by the dispatchers. In the happiest kind of interagency cooperation, Erica Garcia from Town Hall also pitched in for hours of gift wrapping.
Brand new clothes, groceries and toys were given to seven families adopted by the Police
Department. Contributions came from several outstanding citizens. One, wishing to remain anonymous, donated $1,200. The police officers also contributed from their own pockets and the Dollar General in Mammoth donated over $100 worth of toys.