Get Out the VOTE! Keep Supervisor Rios!

  We all have the opportunity to make a difference in our communities and our region.  While it may be easy to get bogged down by the national politics and the constant barrage of information being shared with us, we must remember that our local elections impact our lives much faster than state and federal elections.

  Supervisor Pete Rios, is a committed leader to Pinal County District One. The Copper Corridor as a region and Pinal County as a whole, is fortunate to have Pete Rios as our County Supervisor. He understands the challenges of living in our remote, rural communities, and most importantly, he has never forgotten his roots throughout his political career.  With other areas of  Pinal County growing at a rapid pace, Supervisor Rios is a constant advocate for our unique needs in Eastern Pinal County.  We need representation that will make sure our communities are not left behind as the county grows and many of the resources shift to the more populated areas.

  As a Mayor I call on him often to seek support or his advocacy for our community and our region.   He consistently seeks out opportunities to serve the people of our district and Pinal County.  He is helpful in navigating County policies and systems.  He also brings a tremendous amount of governing experience that provides important guidance for all of Pinal County.

  Join me in supporting Supervisor Rios.  He provides the consistent and balanced leadership, that we need for our region and our County.

/s/ Mila Besich Mayor of Superior