The State of Arizona Medical Board should give an abundance of thought and consideration to this specific case, Jeff Crawford, M.D.  After working for him for five years,  it was quite an experience.

  He taught me things about the medical care not taught to me in school.  When first started working for him, he called me back to watch him do sutures. Taught me why he was using this specific stitch for this kind of laceration.

  He is a caring, compassionate physician with experience as a medic in our armed forces. He is a great asset to our small communities. Consider him and the other employees as a work family. He and his family are church-oriented and are decent, caring family who we need. Many people here have asked me about Dr. Crawford; “Doc” as we call him. He has seen me as his first patient and I have needed to go see a specialist. “Doc’s” diagnosis is EXACTLY the same as the specialist’s diagnosis. Yes, he IS a good man, good physician and I TRUST HIM not only as a physician, but, as a GOOD FRIEND!!!

  Please support our “DOC!”


/s/ Sandy Kay Giorsetti

Winkelman, AZ