Have you noticed we have a “new” person operating the post office?  Her name is Karen Todd. She has been a postal worker in Kearny/Winkelman/Hayden area for over nine years!

  Lately, I have been hearing some unfounded and unkind remarks.  If Karen and her new clerk, Joanne seem tired they are.  They both are assisting the very new Winkelman/Hayden Postmaster.  All are spread thin.  We have gone through Postmasters that don’t plan on staying here. This Is where Karen’s home and family has been since the mid nineties.  

  On another issue have you noticed how clean the P.O. windows are?!!  Did you see Karen cleaning them? She pitched in to help her former clerk clean the building.  Karen is trying to make Kearny’s P.O. efficient, clean and a place our community can proud of again.  She truly believes in customer service.  

  So consider there are many hands that handle your mail. The person in front of you may not be at fault.  Give them a chance to resolve it professionally.  Also, consider they do not have a half hour to chat.  They are friendly but have work to do to keep it running smoothly.  

  Please do go in and introduce yourself to Karen and Joanne.  Get to know them!!

/s/ René Dow