
  It is with great honor Mammoth Softball League along with San Manuel Softball League announce their choice to remain independent from the recent proceedings to combine leagues with our local Little League Organization. Both Mammoth and San Manuel Softball Leagues feel it is in the best interest of our communities to remain private entities allowing for a more flexible organization in which both leagues take tremendous pride in being able to offer our softball players and families the experience of the game without the placing additional hardships on parents and families. Both league Presidents and their panels are working diligently and in conjunction with each other to build self-sustaining leagues for years to come. Both Presidents and their panels are committed to our communities and our children to ensure the best possible experience for our youth.
  In remaining independent organizations, our leagues can continue to offer the many benefits such as, no child will be turned away due to financial hardship and players from all areas are welcome to play for our league where registration is not limited nor set by organizational boundaries dictated by districts. Our games are played here within the Tri-Community. Our leagues are coordinating strategies to build an All-Star platform allowing willing coaches, parents and players to begin challenging our players in outside tournaments. In doing this exposing our players to possibilities of post-secondary education exposure and scholarships.
  The choice to remain independent came as a unanimous decision among our leagues to do what was in the best interest of our players. Little League Softball requirements limit players and their families causing additional and unnecessary stress. In joining, registration is limited to a specific district. Players must show proof of citizenship with a birth certificate by a biological parent. All players wishing or desiring to perform in All-Stars must meet the minimum game requirements set forth by the league in order to be eligible. All player’s equipment is limited to specifications set forth by the league. In addition, games are held outside of the Tri-Community in cities such as Oro Valley, Miami, Kearny and Globe which can ultimately pose significant financial hardship on parents and families.
  The Mammoth Softball League along with San Manuel Softball League ask parents, families and players to take a moment and consider the choices at hand when considering registration in the future season to come. Both leagues would like to reassure the Tri-Community of their continued commitment to our youth and appreciate the opportunity to serve our players and families. We hope with your continued support and efforts we can continue to enhance our programs to with stand our communities reputation of producing some of the greatest softball players in the state of Arizona.
  For more information please feel free to contact either organization’s Presidents Nicole Gonzalez, Mammoth President 520-254-2262 or Victoria Barton, San Manuel President 520-345-7660.
  Once again, your continued support is greatly appreciated as we look forward to future successes for our summer softball leagues.
  Please keep a look out for registration dates starting in January.

  Kind Regards,

/s/ Nicole Gonzalez