To the Residents of Superior: As a resident, all my life, I have seen a lot of things go and come  and every now and then I have asked myself the same question, year after year: “Why do most residential homes have no visible house numbers, somewhere on their homes?”

  In case of an emergency and needing assistance from paramedics or police, how are they supposed to find your house?

  Sure, we are a small town and supposedly everyone, but, in case of an emergency and someone doesn’t know you, how do they find you? Department personnel change now and then.

  Sometimes, even a child or young adult who might make that emergency call doesn’t know the number. Or, a package delivery from somewhere else like UPS or FedEx can’t find you! Keep your house number somewhere by your phone.

  Most important, paint, glue, buy large numbers and place where they can be seen! This should be a requirement in any town. It’s for your own safety and survival.

  A Concerned Resident who cares,

/s/ Sylvia P. Perez