Lauryn Lopez
Lauryn Lopez is the Queen Candidate for the 2018 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Fiesta. Lauryn is seven years old and she is a second grader at John F. Kennedy Elementary school in Superior. She is the daughter of Mario and Jaclynn Lopez.
Lauryn along with her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and extended family have been working throughout the summer to raise money for the church as the queen candidate. She is happy to serve her church as a queen candidate, and to follow in her sister Jordan’s footsteps. Jordan was the queen candidate in: Lauryn is also looking forward to wearing a pretty dress and representing her Church during the Fiesta celebration on Saturday, Sept. 15. She will be crowned during the five o’clock mass on Saturday.
Lauryn enjoys making art projects and doing arts and crafts. One of her favorite places to go is the Superior Public Library to check out books, she is an avid reader. Her favorite food is spaghetti and she enjoys playing with her many cousins and also plays t-ball with the Superior Little League.
Lauryn is the youngest of her family. She has three older siblings, Jordan Lopez who is a Sophomore, Adam Lopez who is an 8th grader and and Caleb who is in fourth grade.