Do you have what it takes to govern the Town of Kearny?

  The Town of Kearny is looking for a few good women and men who meet the criteria to run and be elected for Kearny mayor and councilmembers. The primary election is Aug. 2, 2022, and the deadline for throwing your hat in the race is April 4, 2022. Time to get moving!

  First step: if you are not registered to vote, get registered. It’s your American right.  You can only run for the nonpartisan mayor or councilmembers if you are registered to vote. And you can only vote if you are registered to vote.

  Second step: submit your intent to run. The town has four seats open: the mayor and three councilmembers. You will need to file a petition of 64 registered voter signatures with the Town of Kearny to have your name placed on the ballot.  No guarantees, as noted this just gets your name on the ballot so folks have a choice.

  Contact: Amanda Kenney, Town Clerk, at town hall for either a “Mayor” or “Councilmember” packet. You must return it by April 04, 2022; time is of the essence.

  Third step and must have:  a sincere willingness to serve your community and donate your time to the successful future of Kearny as a councilmember or Mayor.  What – no salary? Correct, no salary. The goodness of serving your community is superior to any salary, so have the time to be present without! 

  Each councilmember and the mayor hold 1/7 of the vote to approve new Kearny policy and establish town code. The mayor holds the capacity to break councilmember voting ties and deliver emergency proclamations. The mayor is asked to be the face of your community, the town CEO and leads the monthly meetings. All on the council must have a desire to listen, follow existing town code and ethically approve or reject new code for the good of the entire community.

  Lastly, good luck: the Town of Kearny is depending on YOU.  You can ask Kearny’s current Mayor or any of the current councilmembers for input or guidance.  You are welcome to observe town meetings held the third Monday of every month at town hall, 7 p.m.

  Remember, the Town Clerk is your key to get in, use it and get your Mayor or councilmember packets back by April 4, 2022.