On Saturday, Nov. 7, Alden Road in uptown Kearny is going to be the home of the 20th Annual Fall Car Show.
Set up for the car show starts at 7 a.m., showing begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. The contest is open to all years of cars, trucks, motorcycles and tractors and It is free to enter.
As with subsequent years, there will be both a car show and a raffle. This year the raffle will be for a 2006 Ford Mustang GT.
This year the car show will have no class awards. Instead, 75 sponsors will give their individual award to the car of their choice. Dash plaques will be given to the first 150 cars. Sponsor an award and give it to the car of your choice for $25. Don’t forget to order your $15 event t-shirt in advance, while you’re at it.
Tickets for the Mustang raffle are $10 each. Win the beautiful ‘Stang or take the cash option of $4,500. Drawing will take place at the car show. The winner doesn’t have to be present at the car show to win, but considering the eye candy that will be on display, why wouldn’t they be?
For raffle tickets, t-shirt orders and sponsorship payments, make out your checks for the event payable to Virgil Thompson and mail to P.O. Box 1007 Kearny, AZ 85137. For more information, call Virgil Thompson at 480-266-8216 or shoot him an email at thompson52k@hotmail.com.
Sponsors for this year’s car show are Getsome Motorsports, Construction Done Right and Crown Glass Solutions. Proceeds benefit local youth organizations and fire departments.