Two boys play with the new Carpet Ball Alley built by Clayton McPherson. It is by far the most popular of the games.

Kearny –  The Kearny Library has a lot going on for the youths of Kearny.  Ah, youth!  I remember it well. Pain was more painful and laughter was much louder, when I was young. I remember when rock was young. Me and Suzie had so much fun!

  If you are young enough to attend the Kearny Public Library Summer Reading Program, ‘Libraries Rock’, you don’t remember when rock was young and may not have even seen a record machine. That’s okay. You probably still know that feeling, when your feet just can’t sit still, and, you can still come learn the fun science of sound. 
  Beginning on Wednesday, May  30, this program will be held weekly on Wednesdays throughout the month of June, in two classes led by teacher John Putman, who knows that the heart of rock ‘n’ roll is still beating, and wants to help you learn all about it.
  From 10 a.m. -10:30 a.m., 1st – 3rd graders will have an opportunity to learn, presumably, how to sing, shout, kick their heels up and shout, throw their head back and shout .. yeah  yeah yeah …   Oh, excuse me! I got so excited that I lost track of where that sentence was going. Whatever they are learning, it will be fun and about sound.

  From 1 p.m. -2:30 p.m., 4th – 6th graders may even find out why someone saying you’re lazy and accusing you of just staying in bed is a good thing, when it’s set to the proper tune.  Or, they may not. In case of confusion, it’s best to call 363-7305 for more information.
  In addition to a rockin’ reading program, Kearny Library Activity Center (K.L.A.C.), free to residents of Kearny ages 6-15,  will be open on Saturdays in May, from noon – 3 p.m., until school makeup days are finished.
  K.L.A.C. is located behind the library and is a safe fun place for kids to play and build social skills. There are Legos, carpet ball, inside and outside activities, special guests movie days and much more. Call 363-5861 for more information, Monday through Thursday, or call Mr. John at 602-446-0570 on Friday or Saturday.