Pictured from left are Yeritzel Romero, Kayleigh Rogers, Devyn White, Kaden Major, David Drennan, Omari Allison.

  Six students who ended their school careers at John F. Kennedy Elementary School have left a lasting impression on the school.

  The students, Yeritzel Romero, Kayleigh Rogers, Devyn White, Kaden Major, David Drennan and Omari Allison, began a tradition at the school of raising the American flag every morning and lowering it every afternoon, following proper regulations and traditions set forth by the United States military.

  Each student was given instruction by local veteran representative of the VFW and American Legion, Gary Michiel Montiel, who was approached by the students’ teacher Mike Lowery. Both men, because of their personal appreciation and respect for our country, believed teaching these students proper reverence for our flag would be vital to our community.

  Before concluding the school year those same students who performed this great service this last school year, taught the incoming 6th graders how to honor the flag by the same standards they were taught, effectively passing the torch of patriotism to another group of young students.

Folding the flag at the end of the day.