The Kearny United Methodist Church is in the preliminary planning stages for an assisted living center and tiny house village on its property adjacent to the church building. Developing such a project is a multi-year project requiring many planning steps. 

  At this point, to get investors, the church needs a sense of how many people in the Copper Corridor area would be actively interested in such a development. To that end, it is asking people to complete a questionnaire available locally at several locations. Participation in the survey does not legally bind participants but does indicate a strong possibility of utilizing the service in the future. Though there are no guarantees that the project will ultimately be built, there is a strong commitment on the part of the church and strong support from the Town of Kearny, Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens, Pinal County Economic Development and the housing department.

  The vision is to build 12-16 rental tiny houses for elders, young teachers, millennials and adventurers. The village will be for people wanting to downsize or to live simply in a friendly, mutually supportive neighborhood. All units will have a view of the mountains to the south. Tiny houses are stand-alone dwellings of 400 square feet or less similar to studio apartments. All will be designed for independent living but will be accessible to those with limited mobility. Meals, housekeeping and home healthcare are not included but residents may contract independently for such services.

  Nearby there will be an assisted living center for an undetermined number of people so that local elders or people with disabilities do not need to be placed in facilities far from home. 

  The natural desert setting of the land will be maintained to the highest extent possible. All will be supported by the availability of the parish hall as community center. The planning effort is being led by local resident and church member Carol Hosler.

  If the above represents a real present or future commitment – to either a tiny house or the assisted living center, the questionnaire can be found at several local businesses, filled out, and mailed to:  Carol Hosler, Church of the Good Shepherd, PO Box 729, Kearny, AZ 85137.