The Hayden High School and Leonor Hambly K-8 Elementary School classrooms are getting a new look with the old carpet being replaced with polished concrete. The project is being done through a school facilities flooring grant for more than $500,000 and it is in the final stages, said Superintendent Gregorich.
“After decades of efforts to hide the many stains and wear and tear, the HW School District will replace the carpet with flooring that should last a lifetime. In addition, the amount of labor to maintain the polished concrete flooring is much cheaper and healthier for those who suffer from allergies,” Gregorich added.
Gregorich also said the high school gym and elementary cafeteria are receiving air conditioning units with a second $500,000 grant through the school facilities board. He had dreamed about these projects for many years and finally received approval. Both are also in the final stages of installation.
“I cannot wait for the first volleyball game in August of 2021. I will be able to sit in the bleachers and enjoy the game in comfort. It was often too hot to sit in the gym. I had many fans complain it was too hot in the gym over the years. Swamp coolers in August just don’t do the job in our area,” said Gregorich.
