It’s nearly back to school for local students.
Another summer moving on and another school year near begun. Are you excited, kids? Ready to hit the stores for bargains galore, on notebooks, backpacks, things to wear and all manner of cool new gear? Guess what, kids? Your parents are super-excited that you are heading back to school!
Ready or not, here it comes. So, read on to learn what you need to know to return to school to learn the rest.
Hayden-Winkelman Schools
School starts on Monday, Aug. 6 for kindergarten-12th grades. Preschool begins Monday, Aug. 13.
New students must register by appointment: please call the office at 520-356-7876 (ext. 7) for more information. You will need birth certificate, immunizations, proof of residency, and transcript to register.
Returning Students: ALL K-12 Students will register Monday, July 23, and Tuesday, July 24, from noon-6 p.m. at the district lobby. Please bring proof of residency.
Preschool:Screening and registration for children who will be four years of age by September will be held Tuesday, Aug.7, in Preschool room #305 from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and 12:30- 4 p.m. at Leonor Hambly K-8 (Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District) 824 Thorne Avenue in Winkelman. Call (520) 356-7876 (ext.7) for more information. Screening for developmental delays will also be available for children who will be three years of age by September 1.
Parents or legal guardians will need to bring child’s birth certificate and immunization record, proof of residence (utility bill or similar document with physical address), the child to be tested, and the $35 Semester or $70 Yearly fee in cash or money order. No checks will be accepted.
MANDATORY Preschool Parent Orientation will be held Thursday, Aug. 9, at 8:30 a.m. in Preschool room #305. (520) 356-7876, Ext. 7.
And, kids, if you can get your parents to snap a picture of you in your new gear, or whatever you are proud of that is a part of getting ready for the new school year, have them send them to us at cbnsun@minersunbasin.com. We’d love to post them on our facebook page. www.facebook.com/copperarea.