The Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District is offering summer school for Leonor Hambly K – 8 students. The summer school program will run Monday through Friday, June 8 – 18. 

  The classes will be virtual for those students with devices and paper packets for students who do not have access to devices. Teachers will be doing a combination of recorded lessons students can access and live lessons they can join in on. This will allow families to have multiple kids join in with one device at home.

  All K -8 students are invited to attend. K – 8 teachers will be reaching out to students to sign up. Parents can contact Principal Pamela Gonzalez at (520) 356-7876, ext. 2204 or if they have questions or want to sign up their kids for the summer school program. 

  “Leonor Hambly K – 8 is excited to continue to offer the opportunity of a summer program this year to our students! Our summer program will use a variety of instructional delivery and include project-based learning strategies,” Gonzalez said.

  Ray School District has not had summer school the past couple of years and will not have it this year.