Due to COVID-19, the 2019-2020 school year ended early and abruptly. Despite this, many students have achieved outstanding academic achievement. Hayden High School has shared its list of students who deserve academic recognition during this shortened school year.
Students of Mr. Bill Deere have received recognition in several areas: Sativa Carrazco, Jasmine De Los Reyes and Staci Dodson in Integrated Science; Manuel Guillen and Sarrah Perez in Chemistry; and Romeo Cruz and Julian Gonzales in Biology.
In addition, Mr. Deere has acknowledged Hayden High student who have excelled in the Gila County Science Fair: Ariza Castillo, Miranda Gomez and Jennifer Gregorich took third place in Behavioral and Social Science (Does Color Affect Taste?); Aiyana Gonzales and Amariz Ochoa achieved third place in Biochemistry (Stomach Digestion);Rilley Sosa and Marisol Zamorano earned third place in Energy: Physical (Melting Away; and, Brandon Garner and Damien Smith won third place for Engineering Mechanics (Pedal Power).
Leticia Cruz took second place in Animal Sciences (Ants vs. Humans); Sativa Carrazco, Jasmine De Los Reyes won second place in Cellular and Molecular Biology (Treats and Bacteria); and Staci Dodson took second place in Microbiology (Clorox vs. Lysol).
Romeo Cruz and Julian Gonzales received a first place finish in Plant Science (Plants and How Liquids Affect Their Growth) and were to have competed in the The State Science Fair of Arizona.
Mrs. Laura E. Lopez, English teacher, recognized Seniors: Carol Monroy and Ariana Pacheco for Seniors Highest Average; Shelby Anderson and Cassie Lopez with the Young Author’s Award; and Jorge Rodriguez with the Presentation Award.
Juniors: Manny Guillen for Juniors Highest Average and Josiel Rodriguez for Young Author’s Award
Sophomores: Amariz Ochoa for Sophomore’s Highest Average; and Leticia Cruz, Miranda Gomez, Aiyana Gonzales and Greace Ramirez-Corona with the Young Author’s Award.
Freshman: Brandon Garner and Karina Inzunza for Freshman’s Highest Average; Staci Dodson, Lorena Olmeda and Marisol Zamorano with the Young Author’s Award; and Moraes Cruz and Dionna Benavidez-Galindo with Most Improved.
Health, Driver Education and Career Exploration teacher Mrs. Lydia Martinez acknowledged Amariz Ochoa and Aiyana Gonzales for Health Class; Octavio Aragon and Greace Ramirez in Driver Education; and Brandon Garner, Karina Inzunza and Marisol Zamorano in Career Preparation.
Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Jacque Pool recognized, in American Government: Javier Lopez as Top Student; Clarissa Gonzalez, Ariana Pacheco, Carol Monroy, Pedro Gallego and Jorge Rodriguez for Best Presentation; Diego Garcia for Most Improved; and Javier Lopez for Most Knowledgeable.
In addition, she recognized in Economics: Cassandra Lopez as Top Student; Pablo Acuna, Diego Rubal and Damina Arbizo for Best Business Practice; Katie Thompson for Most Improved; and Vincent Aguirre for Most Knowledgeable.
For World History, students recognized by Mrs. Pool are: Karina Inzunza as Top Student and for Best Presentation; Felicity Boltarez,Yliana Montijo and Kiana Castaneda for Best Presentation; Roman Sandoval for Most Improved; and Jeremy Aguirre for Most Knowledgeable.
In U.S. History, she recognized : Sonia Urias for Top Student and Best Presentation; Sarrah Perez, Leticia Valenzuela and Lyana Romera for Best Presentation; Adriano Cruz for Most Improved; and Marcos Gaona for Most Knowledgeable
In English, students recognized by Mrs. Pool were: Jesus Gonzalez and Diego Garcia for Workmanship.
Winners of the Yes I Can! Award in English 101 and 102 are: Clarissa Gonzalez, Ahleah Arbizo, Lyana Romero, Sarrah Perez, Sonia Urias, Leticia Valenzuela, Analicia Cruz and Javier Lopez.
Last, but not least, as Teacher Aide: Diego Garcia, Jesus Gonzalez, Ariana Pacheco and Carol Monroy were bestowed Special Recognition by Mrs. Pool.
Business Marketing teacher Mrs. Nannette Moreno presented Top Student Award to: Javier Lopez.
Math awards for Mrs. Maria Ochoa Algebra II: Manny Guillen and Sarrah Perez were recognized as Excellent. Algebra I: Brandon Garner and Karina Inunza were recognized as Outstanding; Damien, and Marisol Zamorano and Alejandro Lorona were recognized as Excellent.
In Geometry: Amariz Ochoa recognized as Outstanding; Miranda Gomez recognized as excellent; and, Octavio Aragon was recognized as Excellent Progress.
In Senior Math: Carol Monroy and Ariana Pacheco were recognized as Excellent.
Additional math awards for Miss Christa Roenfranz include: Freshman: Dionna Galindo-Benavidez and Lorena Olmeda for Excellence in Algebra 1. Junior: Aiyana Gonzales for Excellence in Geometry. Sophomore: Lyana Romero for Excellence in Algebra 2; Shelby Anderson, Clarissa Gonzalez and Javier Lopez for Excellence in Pre-Calculus;Ahleah Arbizo, Emiliano Camarena, Gilberto Carmelo, Vincent Cruz and Vincente Gallegos for Achievement in Pre-Calculus.
Spanish teacher Mrs. Priscilla Torres-Westrope in Beginning Spanish: Brandon Garner and Karina Inzunza for Top Students; Sativa Carrasco, Raquela Westrope and Karina Inzunza for 100.2%, Hardest Workers and Best Attitudes; and, Yliana Montijo, Alejandro Lorona and Arnold Mariscal for Most Improved.
In Advanced Spanish, she recognized: Amariz Ochoa as Top Student; Sonia Urias, and Lyanna Romero for 99.2%, Hardest Workers and Best Attitudes; and Aiyana Gonzales and Ahleah Arbizo for Most Improved.
Well done, students!