Shelly Pacheco, Principal of Ray Elementary School; Rose Bradford, CAHV President; Tiffany Boyd, School Nurse; Gwen Dinwiddie, CAHV Secretary/Treasurer; and Amanda Kenney, Member of the School Board.
The Copper Area Health Volunteers (CAHV) have responded to a request from the Ray Unified School District to help with an important health issue.
The volunteers, who staff the Hand Me Up Shop in Kearny in order to raise funds for area health needs, approved the request made by Principal Shelly Pacheco and School Nurse Tiffany Boyd to replace the three nine-year-old heart defibrillators which had received a recall notice as defective items.
The board of the CAHV didn’t take long to respond, and worked with the manufacturer to receive favorable prices on new and updated devices, which were presented this past week to the school. Defibrillators are important life savers, and schools are mandated to have them at the ready. Last year the Hand Me Up shop funds were used to purchase two similar defibrillators to be placed on school buses during all out-of-town games.
The volunteers have a long history of supporting better health in the Copper Basin. Their many hours in the thrift shop organizing and selling items provide funds for medical training and education. Donations and purchases provide a way for people to help. New volunteers are always needed.