Halloween is usually marked with several traditions in the Town of Superior: the annual Halloween Costume parade, Trunk or Treating, Witches’ Dance and brunches, school festivals and so much more! 

  While COVID-19 is still affecting the Town of Superior and the rest of the nation, it did not stop the community from finding safe and physically distant ways to have some Halloween fun!

  The Town of Superior, Superior Police and Fire Departments and the Town of Superior Youth Council worked together with the VFW, VFW Ladies Auxiliary, the Superior Optimist Club and the American Legion to host a drive through trick or treat/haunted house at the fire station.  The groups donated candy and bags to give away and families drove through a haunted fire station bay.  All 300 bags of goodies were given away to the children of Superior.

  Following the trick or treat event, the Town of Superior hosted a laser light show that has a halloween theme.  The laser light show was rescheduled after a spike in COVID-19 cases caused a postponement of the Fourth of July laser light show.

  The annual costume contest was conducted virtually along with a Halloween house/business decorating contest hosted by the American Legion.

  All of the groups pulled together to make sure there was still some Halloween fun in Superior. After all, isn’t Halloween Superior’s (unofficial) official holiday?

Photos by Laura Rivas