The next meeting of the Community Working Group (CWG) for the Resolution Copper mining project, located in Superior, will be Wednesday, March 23. The group will begin crafting a Good Neighbor Agreement and review existing agreements made by Resolution with other communities where it has/had mining operations. 

  The Good Neighbor Agreement is based on a novel, binding agreement that was created between a Montana mining company and regional community groups. This highly effective model is designed to meet the needs and interests of the community and the mining company, avoiding legal disputes and helps maintain an open dialogue.

  The CWG includes residents and stakeholders from the Town of Superior, Queen Valley, Hewitt Station, Globe, Kearny, Winkelman, Hayden, and around the area. The group focuses on potential environmental issues, science and policy, economic development and growth, and the pros and cons of the proposed development of the Resolution Copper mine, which could become one of the world’s largest copper mining ventures.

  Topics include environmental impacts, health, safety, natural resource issues, engineering, water quantity and quality, geology, economics, air quality, community investments, recreational changes and other related subjects. 

  The meetings are conducted at the Superior Chamber of Commerce. The public is welcome to attend. However, with an uptick in COVID-19 cases, if you choose to attend the meeting at the chamber, located at 165 W. Main Street, we ask that you be vaccinated, and a mask is recommended.

  For more information on the CWG, please visit the CWG website at The site also posts summaries of all past meetings, presentations, and other related articles. Comments and questions can also be submitted here.