Emily Nader

Emily Nader, CASA Coordinator in Southern Gila County, was one of ninety-nine global applicants awarded the CVA credential in 2020.

  The Certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA) credential is an international professional credential to recognize practitioners in the field of volunteer engagement who meet specified standards as measured through demonstrated professional and academic experience, a commitment to professional ethics, and pass a certification exam. Unlike certificate programs that involve classes or courses, the CVA is a competency-based professional certification program intended for those with a strong foundation in volunteer administration. The certification exam assesses a candidate’s knowledge and application of the Seven Competencies of Volunteer Administration: 1. Plan for Strategic Volunteer Engagement, 2. Advocate for Volunteer Involvement, 3. Attract and Onboard a Volunteer Workforce, 4. Prepare Volunteers for their Roles, 5. Document Volunteer Involvement, 6. Manage Volunteer Performance and Impact, 7. Acknowledge, Celebrate and Sustain Volunteer Involvement.  For more information on the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration visit  https://www.cvacert.org.

  “I am grateful to have received this opportunity,” states Mrs. Nader. “I have had the privilege of serving as a CASA Coordinator in Gila County for the past 4 years. In this role I am surrounded by incredible local volunteers and coworkers who have provided me ample opportunities for growth and learning which prepared me for the CVA credential exam. I look forward to continuing to serve as a support and guide for our current volunteers as well as future applicants.”

  This opportunity was made possible through the 2020 National CASA/GAL Professional Development Grant awarded to CASA of Gila County in January. The National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association, together with its state and local member programs, supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every abused or neglected child in the United States can be safe, have a permanent home, and the opportunity to thrive.

  To learn more about becoming a CASA volunteer in Gila County, please call 928-402-4427, or  email enader@courts.az.gov or apply online at www.CASAofGilaCounty.org.


Emily Nader