Superior Optimist Club will again host the annual Magma Royale Casino Night.
The Superior Optimist Club will be hosting its fourth annual Magma Royale fundraiser on Saturday, Aug. 4, 2018 at the Magma Club in Superior, Arizona. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. and continue through 10 p.m.
Magma Royale has become a Superior tradition. This year the event will feature a silent auction, live auction, liquor pull and for extra fun there will be a variety of casino style card games to play. There will be plenty of chances to win raffle tickets for many great prizes along with many door prizes. DJ Supie Town will also be playing music for the event.
The suggested donation for admission to the event is $25 which includes a beverage ticket, Magma Royale bucks and appetizers.
Proceeds benefit the Superior Optimist Club and all of the programs that they host or support throughout the year, including Miracle on Main Street and the Honor Roll Banquet. To reserve your tickets you can purchase online at http://bit.ly/2018MagmaRoyale or you can call JoAnn Besich at 520-827-0592 or Jessica Castillo at 520-827-0098.