By Edie Crall

Oracle School Board

These young men gave some of their time to help with the distribution for Fueling the Future. They helped distribute food baskets. They are all in eighth grade. Pictured from left to right are Aiden Jennings, Nick Boulware, Marcelo Baeza and Diego Ochoa. Crystle Nehrmeyer | Submitted

  What a wonderful experience it is to witness people coming together for the good of others.   This is the THIRD year for Fueling the Future – a time when communities and individuals join each other to ensure that families in the Oracle School District will not experience food insecurities over Winter Break.

  It all began three years ago when OSD Superintendent Crystle Nehrmeyer briefed the Governing Board that some students who depend upon school breakfasts and lunches would not get them during Winter Break as the school cafeteria would be closed.   Edie Crall sent out information to the SaddleBrooke Communities of the need and provided information about what to purchase, where and when to drop it off.

  Over the past three years, SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents have been amazing in donating non-perishable food and monetary donations.  And, this year, SaddleBrooke Rotary took an even more active role in the event.   The Oracle Community Center also stepped up as the 501(c)3 accepting the monetary donations allowing donors the opportunity to claim a tax deduction.

  Distribution day was the culmination of much generosity and effort with 60-plus families receiving bags of food and perishables.  School leaders, eighth grade students, volunteers from SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, SaddleBrooke Rotary and the Oracle Fire Department came together to make this happen. 

  Thanks for your kindness and holiday spirit.  You have made this Winter Break a happier time for many.   On a personal note, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being the kind and giving people you are.  Happy New Year!