Trick or treat and Halloween FUN
It is coming, the darkness, the madness, the mayhem as a fearful rushing of adrenaline courses through veins, hearts beat wildly, eyes glaze over, and with a glistening smile, a smacking of lips, the candy is found and consumed.
Not that candy is all that Halloween is about.
The Hayden-Winkelman School Halloween Fun Night, on Thursday, Oct. 25, will certainly have a lot more to offer. From 5:30-8 p.m., there will be music from a D.J., a jumping castle, games, a photo booth, and a costume contest. For those looking for less tricks and more treats, there will be a cake walk and food for sale: green/red chili burros, bean burros, posole, nachos, popcorn, popcorn balls, candy apples and sodas or hot chocolate. You must purchase tickets at the K-8 office for all this Halloween fun. Want to avoid long lines? Reserve your tickets ahead of time by calling the office.
Dirty Snow will be on site (but not accepting tickets, so bring a little cash too).
There will be a Haunted House at the Wolf Den from 7-10 p.m. Admission is $3.
Send your students to school in their costumes on Halloween so they can participate in the Halloween Spook Walk beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the K-8 school.