Seven fourth and fifth graders from the John F. Kennedy School in Superior have been working over the past several weekends to build and program their robot for the First Lego Robotics competition on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2023, in Mesa at Red Mountain High School.

  It has been several years since students in Superior have had the opportunity to participate in the First Lego Robotics program.  The program curriculum is very rigorous and requires the fourth and fifth grade students to learn coding skills, building skills, and also learn how to have their robot complete required challenges.  In addition to learning these important technical skills, the students are also required to engage their local community leaders on innovations for their community, present publicly about what they have learned and showcase how their team came together to accomplish the build and complete the challenges along with  interpersonal and leadership skills that are also required as part of the curriculum.

  Superior Town Councilmember Vanessa Navarrette met with the Copper Bots at the Superior Skate Park.  The students suggested innovations like having a skateboard rental locker, where people could rent a skateboard at the park.  The students also shared that the park needs a water fountain to fill water bottles when they are at the park.

  The students also hiked with Mayor Mila Besich on the Legends of Superior Trails Queen Creek segment.  During their interactions with Mayor Besich, the students shared about how to better market and promote the trails for families and young people and how hiking is a healthy hobby to do. 

  The course is taught by local residents Cathy Sommer and Eliana Ybarra.  Both are teachers at the Coolidge Unified School district but have sought opportunities to offer these programs to students in Superior.  When the Town of Superior recently signed their three-year economic and community development agreement, the funding to operate the First Lego Robotics program was included in the agreement.  This covers a stipend for the instructors, curriculum and competition fees.  The Superior Chamber of Commerce also helps to support the program by allowing the team to meet at the Chamber office weekly. 

  Students competing are: fourth graders, Madelyn Arriola, Ariel Aparicio, Alivia Martinez, Brandon Torrio and Ruben Ybarra; and fifth graders, Joey Lopez and Natalie Lopez.

  At press time, the results from the competition were not available.