Cars were lined up from the Church of the Good Shepherd all the way down to Shake Drive. Many folks turned out to take advantage of the drive-through free food distribution in Kearny last Friday.
The church’s pastor, Jimmy Nelson, said that there were many more people this month than in previous months.
United Food Bank brought the truck loaded with food and volunteers loaded it into the cars as they passed through the parking lot.
Volunteers from Resolution Copper, the church, companies associated with Resolution Copper and personnel from United Food Bank worked together to make the distribution go as smoothly as possible. The volunteers even included two young men, Carlos and Alex Lechuga. The two helped load bags and boxes into vehicles.
The next food distribution will be on Friday, June 5, at the Church of the Good Shepherd.
Volunteers along with youth helpers Carlos and Alex Lechuga load up vehicles with the free bags of food. Volunteers along with youth helpers Carlos and Alex Lechuga load up vehicles with the free bags of food. Cars line the street waiting for their turn to receive food from the United Food Bank.