“Have a good day,” is a phrase we hear from friends, loved ones, or someone we casually see in a restaurant, bank or any other place of business. We get so used to hearing these words we might easily overlook them.

  But have we ever sat down and asked ourselves, “What qualifies as a good day?” Do we sit down each morning, map out our day and create a list of characteristics of a “good” day so that when we lay down at night we can check off our items and say, “This day met the standard?”

  We might have “To Do” lists, but I doubt any of us has a “Good Day” list. Instead, we go through the day and if someone asks us at the end, we might say, “I had a good day” or “It was a tough day.” We figure it out based on how we feel when we’re done, right?

  At Family First, maybe we need to set a standard for what makes a good day. If we did, what would that standard be? I’ve got an idea…

  A Good Day is when we have an opportunity to love someone who comes in our door; without condition, without judgment and without a pre-set agenda.

  A Good Day is when we’ve done our best and know God was present in our work.

  A Good Day is when we’ve loved each other and encouraged each other along the way.

  A Good Day is not dependent on results or circumstances; but is instead defined by our outlook and our love for each other and for others. If we do our part, we know God will be present and active.

  If we pursue a Good Day, every day, the results—whether it be saved lives or changed hearts—naturally follow.

  Perhaps you’re looking for a place to “Have a Good Day.” If so, think of us. Drop us an email at www.familyfirstpcc.org or give us a call 520-896-9545. We are always looking for more to loin our volunteer team. Together, let’s have a lot of good days so that moms, dads and babies will have many, many great days ahead.