The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) would like to issue a clear and unequivocal warning: injecting or swallowing rubbing alcohol, bleach or other chemicals not designed for human consumption can kill you. These products should only be used as directed. Do not put household disinfectant products into your body.
If you drink or inject disinfectant, call 911 or go to your closest emergency department immediately.
COVID-19 misinformation is widespread and dangerous. There is currently no approved treatment specifically for COVID-19. Exercise caution and discuss any treatment or testing decisions in advance with your doctor or health care provider.
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is the national medical society representing emergency medicine. Through continuing education, research, public education and advocacy, ACEP advances emergency care on behalf of its 39,000 emergency physician members, and the more than 150 million Americans they treat on an annual basis. For more information, visit and