Ellie Brown is announcing that she will be on the Aug. 2, 2022, Primary Ballot as a candidate for Justice of the Peace, Copper Corridor, Precinct 5.  Precinct 5 serves the communities of Eagle Crest Ranch, SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, Oracle Junction, Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, Dudleyville, Kearny, Superior, Riverside, Top of the World and Superior.  She seeks your support and vote.

  With 31 years of experience serving Pinal County and the Copper Corridor communities in various capacities, Brown pledges to provide the residents of the Copper Corridor a justice of the peace that puts the needs of the people first, with fairness, accountability and efficiency.   She adds a commitment to give everyone an opportunity to be heard in court before an ethical, impartial, independent and calm-demeanor judge. 

  “Good judges understand that their demeanor in the courtroom helps lay the foundation in allowing participants in the legal process to feel that their position is being heard; defendants, legal counsel, law enforcement and victims,” she said.

  Employed for 26 years full time with Pinal County as a Justice of the Peace, Justice Court Supervisor, Judicial Liaison, Justice Court Computer Field Trainer, Administrative Manager and Director, Ellie is prepared, experienced and qualified in running both court locations of the Copper Corridor (Oracle and Superior) both judicially and administratively. 

  “Running a court is not just putting on the black robe and ruling on cases.  It is the duty of the court to be fiscally responsible, that administrative staff is properly trained and educated, respectful and helpful to the public.  It is my responsibility to have the justice scales balanced and to listen to both sides before rendering a judgement.  It is my judicial duty to adhere to the Criminal and Civil Rules of Procedure, Arizona Revised Statutes, Reports and to hold my moral compass according to the Arizona Judicial and Ethic Canons,” she explained.

  Ellie has been serving the Copper Corridor as a Judicial Pro Tempore for the past five years.  She has served several of the Justice of the Peace locations throughout Pinal County.  Her appointment(s) was through both the Superior Court Presiding Judge and the Pinal County Board of Supervisors.  Ellie was just recently hired part-time as the Presiding Magistrate Judge for the Town of Superior.  Her duties begin in July 2022. 

  The county’s Justice Courts mostly handle criminal misdemeanors, traffic violations, civil filings, protective orders, eviction actions, search warrants and small-claims cases.  Court proceedings mostly pertain to warrants, pretrials, trials, in custody/jail and other proceedings due to motions filed before the court. 

  Ellie’s community service includes being on several Board of Directors serving as Chair, Secretary or member – this includes Oracle Community Center, Sun Life Health, Oracle Fire District, OWN Oracle network and St. Helen Catholic Parish.  This doesn’t include her 40 years + of volunteer service and dedication to the community. 

  Ellie is married to Steve Brown and they have a blended family of three grown children, three granddaughters and pets.  She holds a master’s degree in educational leadership, a bachelor of science degree in administration and management, a Certification of Public Management, completion of the Arizona Supreme Court Orientation and countless hours of court operating judicial educational training. Ellie was born and raised within the Copper Corridor, Precinct 5.

  “As a Justice of the Peace, I make decisions that impact everyday life and it is important that people know that I have the diverse life and work skills, empathy, years of experience in the judicial process and higher education that qualifies me to represent and be their elected Justice of the Peace.  My reputation as a judge precedes me in being fair, honest, patient, understanding and a good listener.  I issue timely and impartial judgments based on the evidence/testimony presented to me,” she said.

  Brown, a Republican, is seeking election to preside over the Copper Corridor Precinct 5, of which she played a role in forming nearly eight years ago.  She will need to defeat one other Republican primary challenger before moving forward to the general election ballot in November.  There are no other candidates running for the position in either election.  The successful candidate will become the elected official in a now appointed position.  Learn more about Ellie Brown at:

