Today, August 21, 2018, Paul Manafort was convicted on eight felony counts and Michael Cohen has plead guilty to eight felonies. Both of these men were involved in President Trump’s campaign and have some knowledge of the Russian involvement in the 2016 election. They are members of the inner circle or if you prefer, members of the Orange Haired Warlock’s coven.

  For you Trump followers that still believe Trump, that this is a “witch hunt”, this brings the number of people that have been indicted or convicted to seven, all with ties to Trump. This doesn’t include the 25 Russians and three Russian companies that Special Prosecutor Mueller has gone after. The Manafort and Cohen convictions are big and Cohen’s statement in court points to Trump being involved in criminal acts. 

  Despite Trump using Nixon’s old strategies to attempt to intimidate Mueller, discredit the investigation or speed up the proceedings, Mueller has stood firm and is methodically continuing to pursue the evidence in the search for the truth. Now we will see if Trump decides to pardon Manafort even though there is a conflict of interest and it would show what a corrupt administration we have in office right now.

  If Trump really wants to bring the investigation to a speedier conclusion, he would agree to be interviewed by Mueller under oath and tell the truth, not Giulani’s version (truth is not the truth) but being in accord with fact or reality. I know it will be hard for Trump but it needs to be done. And by the way, why not release your tax returns, Mr. President. That is, if you can handle the truth.     

Author’s Note:

  I have been given the opportunity to express my opinion and viewpoints on politics, national, state, and local issues as well as life in general. I hope to inform you as well as entertain you, make you smile or make you mad. I will use humor, sarcasm and occasionally anger to express my views. My intention is to hold politicians accountable sometimes bringing some heat on them and if my views make you angry or hot, remember that like my humor, it is a dry heat. These opinions are entirely my own and do not reflect the views of Copper Area News Publishers.