Hayden High School will continue free blitz testing for COVID-19 on Friday, Oct. 16, 1-6 p.m. The COVID-19 testing is sponsored by the Arizona Department of Health Service, Arizona State University, Arizona National Guard, Department of Emergency and Military Affairs and the Gila County Health Department.
Those wishing to take part are encouraged to preregister online at theazhealth.gov/covid19testing. It will allow you to select the time that is most convenient for you. Drive in an out in 15 minutes or less. Feel free to drive in and get tested without an appointment as well. Test results are sent in less than 48 hours, and sooner.
Superintendent Jeff Gregorich took the saliva test and received the results within 29 hours. “It was easy and quick,” he said. “I like the COVID-19 saliva test much more than the nasal test. It is reassuring to get a negative test result. I can say that it gives me and my family a piece of mind. The more we test for COVID-19 and participate in the Governor’s Mask up strategy, the faster we will eliminate COVID-19 in our community. Come and join us this Friday afternoon.

saliva test this last Friday. The test simple requires you to simply spit into a straw