The Business Sustainability Program is a one-time reimbursement of up to $15,000 to qualifying businesses for rent, mortgage and/or utilities expenses for a three-month period. Qualifying expense periods are either March-April-May 2020 or April-May-June 2020. Applications will be accepted from June 15 – July 15, 2020. Funding will be awarded on a first come first served basis to qualifying small businesses in unincorporated areas of Pinal County, so applicants are encouraged to apply early.
“I encourage all eligible businesses to apply for this funding opportunity. Times are hard and I understand that COVID-19 has seriously impacted many small businesses. Please take advantage of this grant and apply soon,” said Supervisor Pete Rios.
To qualify, applicants must be a for-profit business, located at a physical, commercial address in an unincorporated area of Pinal County. Individual Arizona franchised businesses may qualify if the applicant location is within unincorporated Pinal County and the individual franchise location is not owned by a national chain or out-of-state corporation. At this time, non-profit organizations and home-based businesses are not eligible. Applicants must have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Businesses have three options to apply: online; downloading an application and mailing it; or picking up an application at designated County Offices. To the extent possible, Pinal County recommends applying for assistance through its online application which uses an encryption process to help secure the information you submit. If you submit a paper application for assistance, please provide all supporting documents in a sealed envelope to safeguard your personal information. Once received, Pinal County will exercise reasonable care when processing to lessen the possibility of an unauthorized disclosure of any protected personal information. Regardless of whether you submit an electronic or a paper application, all applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you have specific questions not answered below or need additional assistance, please email BusinessResourceCenter@pinal.gov or call the Pinal County Citizen Contact Center at (520) 509-3555 or (888) 431-1311.