Lee Ann Jones does Connie Hillan’s nails Friday at Shelly’s 2.0 in Kearny.

COVID-19 has changed how everyone operates their businesses, how we gather our household supplies and groceries, how we socialize and how our local non-profits and faith-based organizations serve the community.  

  The Copper Corridor has not been immune to the impacts of COVID-19, and thankfully our early, proactive actions to cancel large public events and  physical distancing, increased hygiene and sanitation measures provided an important layer of protection over our community.  While we have had a few positive cases, we have not encountered the devastation that other communities across the state, nation and world have experienced.

  On Friday, beauty salons, barbershops and retail merchants were all allowed to open with new physical distancing protocols and increased sanitation measures.  On Monday, May 11, restaurants began opening their dining rooms with a limited capacity, increased sanitation and of course, physical distancing.

  While many residents are eager to have the Stay at Home order lifted, if we adhere to State of Arizona and CDC guidelines, we not only protect ourselves but those around us.  When we maintain our physical distancing, practice good hygiene, wear a face covering and limit our attendance in large groups, we can keep our local businesses open and community running safely.  

  During the past seven weeks, we all have adopted new habits by shopping more frequently at our local stores rather than traveling out of town for supplies. We also have ordered more goods online. By shopping locally first and buying what we need here in the Copper Corridor and supplementing with online shopping, these two behaviors contribute significantly to a strong economic recovery.  This also limits exposure to COVID-19. 

  Navigating our lives through this pandemic is not easy.  Understandably, anxieties are high.  For many, financial security and health conditions have been challenged.  Let us have patience with our family, friends and neighbors as we all determine what our new normal will be.  For some, limiting their exposure by staying home will continue.  For others, relief will be found by being able to travel freely and conduct errands and business as before.  Let us all be respectful of each other’s wishes.  Whichever may be your personal preference, please move forward responsibly and safely.

  People are asking, “When will our lives get back to normal?”  Normal is a setting on our washing machines; COVID-19 will be a part of our lives until there is a vaccine.  

  Most assuredly, COVID-19 has changed our lives and we must all work together to reopen the Copper Corridor and the State of Arizona safely.  Please continue your new healthy habits, physical distancing, washing your hands frequently, wearing a face covering when in public spaces and staying home if you are not feeling well.

  We will continue to get through this together, and we will be stronger than before.