Interested in starting a new business in Superior? Maybe you’ve thought about changing your career and need some training or other support? The Superior Enterprise Center can help.
Funded through Resolution and part of Rebuild Superior, the Superior Enterprise Center will be housed at the new Multigenerational Center at the Historic Superior High School. The Enterprise Center will be located on the north side of the Multigenerational Center, in the building that used to be the industrial arts building. The purpose of the Enterprise Center will be to help incubate or accelerate entrepreneurial endeavors for entrepreneurs throughout the entire Copper Corridor. Focusing on supporting small businesses, continuing growth, and whatever they may need.
Another leg of the Enterprise Center is Workforce Development. Initially focusing on gaps in the area, the first program implemented will be a welding program. The bottom floor of the building was once used for welding, auto-shop, and wood working, most of which will be utilized for similar purposes. The welding program will go in the old welding area. There will be four bays to accommodate various types of welding.
The second story which used to be old classrooms will now be used not only as classrooms, but as co-working and maker-space areas.
“For our entrepreneurs that just want to come to a space that they can think and not be interrupted, and have free wi-fi, they can utilize that space,” commented Arlynn Godinez, Director of the Superior Enterprise Center. “Once we get all of equipment in, if we had an entrepreneur that wants to build something, or prototype, they can use the 3D printer, or if they are more skilled they can use the machine downstairs. We really want to be that one-stop-shop hub for the entire Copper Corridor, in terms of supporting ideas and small businesses, as well as providing what we can for workforce development in the area.”
Superior Enterprise Center will be hosting the Superior Small Business meetup at the Rebuild Superior room at Superior Town Hall on April 13, at 10 a.m. Welcoming speakers from their partner Small Business Development Center. Lou Farina and Paul Vukels from SBDC, will be there to give a presentation on alternative ways to fund your small business. They will also be participating in the Start-Up Spring Training hosted by partner Seed Spot on April 21, with a digital discussion panel based on rural businesses, featuring four local Superior businesses.
“We’re hoping to create a place where learning and growing are welcome for all ages,” concluded Arlynn Godinez. “We want to foster; we are always learning, always growing. We want everyone to excel and be happy what they’re doing.”
By Nathaniel A. Lopez

Arlynn Godinez is the executive director of the Superior Enterprise Center.