The Copper Basin Community Health Care Foundation has received a Grant from the  Brownfields Assistance Program and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.  The Grant will provide funds for assessment and cleanup of asbestos and lead materials at the site of the Kearny Medical Clinic.  The Grant will allow for future redevelopment of the facility.  

   The scope of work has been established to perform a Phase I environmental site assessment and an asbestos and lead survey.  The goal is to perform the assessment in September to identify environmental concerns, then, based upon the findings, a scope of work along with cost will be developed to remove the environmental hazards. Cobre Valley Medical Clinic services will not be interrupted during this project.  Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center CEO Neal Jensen has given assurance that they will be an important partner in the long term goals of the project.

  Kearny Town Manager Anna Flores and Foundation President Dave Orzell authored the Grant.  Kearny Mayor Debra Sommers assisted in locating the grant through legislators David Cook, T.J. Shope and Frank Pratt.  Each of the legislators signed a letter of support.   

  Local Governments, non-profits, Tribes, hospitals, schools, police and fire districts may apply for funding through ADEQ’S Brownfields Assistance Program. Brownfields grants help address blighted, under used properties with real or perceived environmental hazards which may hinder reuse or redevelopment. To learn more about the program, call (602) 771-2296 or visit

  The Copper Basin Community Health Care Foundation appreciates all of the assistance from ADEQ Brownfields Coordinator Travis Barnum during the processing of the Grant.

  Brownfields dollars have been used frequently across the region. Recently the Hayden Motel was demolished and the property cleaned up by Gila County using Brownfields dollars.  The Town of Superior has been successful in acquiring these funds to make significant environmental repairs to the Belmont Building.

  Legislative District 8 Representatives David Cook and TJ Shope along with Senator Frank Pratt have been instrumental in supporting Kearny and other communities in the Copper Corridor to receive these funds and help find other solutions to blight remediation in the region.