By Tom O’Connor

COWABUNGA…COW BASSA!!!  Introducing CBHSSA, the Copper Basin Historical Society of Southeast Arizona pronounced COW BASSA!

The Copper Basin Historical Society of Southeast Arizona (CBHSSA) is dedicated to documenting and preserving the history of the Copper Basin region.  The idea was initiated by businesswomen Eugenia Slater and Myra Warren but delayed due to pandemic. A new post COVID-19 team including Ann Ramsey, Tom O’Connor, Gerry Kaufhold, Keith Cymry, and John Putnam has worked to make this idea a reality along with a lot more important people!

The CBHSSA now meets at the Historic Court House in Kearny, Arizona, secured by the visionary support of Judge Dave Orzel and Supervisor Jeff Serdy. The society seeks community support to document and preserve local history, and invites businesses and volunteers to contribute time, ideas, donations, and artifacts.  The CBHSSA strives to be an intricate part of the Pinal County economic development strategy by developing and supporting employment opportunities, new businesses and brand-new residents throughout the Copper Basin!

History, Mission, Goals:

  • Initiation and Development: The idea for the CBHSSA was initially proposed by Eugenia Slater and Myra Warren but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A group of community members later revived the project and formed a working team to bring the society to fruition.
  • Mission and Activities: The CBHSSA aims to ensure that the history of the Copper Basin is documented and not forgotten and assessable to the world. The society will collaborate with local newspapers, social media, local museums, and collections like the Dr. James Celis Photo collection.  We need support from the community, county, state and businesses to make this a quality Historic Society!
  • Community Engagement: The CBHSSA encourages community involvement by inviting businesses and individuals to volunteer their time, ideas, donations, and artifacts. The society’s office is in the Historic Kearny Court House, and we will be open every Wednesday from 11 AM to 1 PM until further notice.  This is a great place where community members and businesses can share their thoughts and contribute to the preservation efforts.  A community CBHSSA Board has been developed, legal documentation is in final stages and communication channels are under development.

Thank you to the members and the communities who are actively making this happen!