
Magma Avenue: filling with businesses

  If you have not driven by Magma Avenue recently then you may not have noticed several new businesses that have located on the first few blocks.    This past weekend, parking spaces were full and foot traffic increased on Magma Avenue, following the opening of...

Halloween 2020 – COVID Edition

  Halloween is usually marked with several traditions in the Town of Superior: the annual Halloween Costume parade, Trunk or Treating, Witches’ Dance and brunches, school festivals and so much more!    While COVID-19 is still affecting the Town of Superior and...

Story Halloween contest 10-28

Dare you Enter? (Or: The Importance of Reading Newspapers and Flyers, Often)    She thought it was a friendly town when she passed through. As she ate a quick breakfast in a local restaurant, she read the newspaper. Not her usual choice of breakfast companionship, but...

A Superior spruce up

Rebuild Superior and the Chamber of Commerce are embarking on a fun painting project on Pinal Ave. and the adjacent streets.  Starting with walls and fences, the plan is to offer free painting to the homeowners for the exterior of their homes.  Join the fun...

SUSD Hybrid Learning 10/19/2020

Superior kids to return to the classroom   COVID-19 has changed so much for Americans. It’s most apparent in our schools. In person learning has been suspended since last year’s spring break.   Superior Unified School District, like many other school...

Superior Farm to Fantastic Market reopens

Superior Farm to Fantastic Market reopens   The Superior Farm to Fantastic Famers Market has reopened at the Superior Food Court Park.  The market will be open every Saturday, from 9 a.m. to noon on Main Street at the Food Court.  Vendors from the Copper Corridor...

Superior Police Department joins Overdose Fatality Review Board

Joyce LopezSgt. Sam Sosa  The abuse of opiates, both legal and illegal, has reached crisis proportions. Overdoses of opioid drugs are epidemic. The United States Government National Institute for Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse reported in 2018 that...

Superior Police welcome new officer to their ranks

Jessica Brown is Superior’s newest full time officer.   The Town of Superior has a new full-time police officer. Jessica Brown was hired on Aug. 31, 2020, and will be replacing an officer who will be retiring soon.   Jessica was born in Auckland, New Zealand...

SUSD board extends online learning until Oct. 12

  On Sept. 2 at its regular meeting, the Superior Unified School District Governing Board voted to extend remote-learning until Oct. 12. This means the teachers will continue to run their classes using Microsoft Teams as well as School PLP.   The District...