San Manuel Miner

Letter to the Editor: Little Leaguer representing local town

  Hi my name is Cooper Cook, I am 8 years old,  I live in Phoenix. My baseball league has assigned every team a city's name from AZ. Our team this year is the Oracle Diamondbacks. My Dad showed me where Oracle was on the map today and the city looked really...

Celebrating Peace Through Art at the Triangle L Ranch in Oracle, AZ

  On Sunday, March 10, 2018, a group of local artists gathered at the Triangle L Ranch in Oracle to participate in the 13th Biennial, Global Art Project for Peace.   Sharon Holnback, owner of the Triangle L, registered the group with the Project. The intent...

San Manuel Library celebrates the joy of reading

  The San Manuel Library celebrated “Read Across American” and “Dr. Seuss Birthday”, March 2, 2018. Children and their families enjoyed several activities, including a reading of the well-know book, Green Eggs and Ham, making finger puppets of Dr. Seuss...

Tucson Ghost Society visits Acadia Ranch Museum

  Is Oracle haunted?   That was the question of the night when members of the Tucson Ghost Society Paranormal Team traveled to Oracle to conduct paranormal research at the Acadia Ranch Museum.   The group, led by founder Becky McGiddy-Gydesen, visited...

Easter services listed for Mountain Shadows in Catalina

  Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church Holy Week Services will begin on Palm Sunday, March 25, 10 a.m.  Palms will be offered to all worshippers, and a procession will precede the worship service led by Pastor Rachel Srubas, and supported by music under the...

San Manuel students send cookies to the troops

   San Manuel students collected enough "spare change"  to purchase 152 boxes (12 1/2 cases) of Girl Scout cookies to send to United States service personnel who are deployed overseas.    The students donated $760 for Girl Scout cookies,...