San Manuel Miner

Ham heroes of 24HOP

By Nathaniel A. Lopez   On Feb. 18, in the desert on the outskirts of Oracle, the 23rd annual 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo was under way. 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo is a mountain bike race hosted by Epic Rides that has multiple races throughout it, including the...

Impact of Southern Arizona assists residents of the Copper Corridor

  Impact of Southern Arizona offers programs and assistance to residents of Pima and Pinal Counties through partnerships and resources for those in need.   Founded in 2000, IMPACT of Southern Arizona is a nonprofit organization providing assistance to over...

Learn about hospice care at Oracle presentation Jan. 16

  Casa de La Luz will be presenting “How Hospice Can Help in the Tri-Community” on Jan. 16,  2023, at the Oracle Community Center, 685 E. American Ave., at 11 a.m.     Casa De La Luz, Spanish for “House of Light”, was co-founded in 1998...

Fueling the Future 2022

By Edie Crall Oracle School Board   What a wonderful experience it is to witness people coming together for the good of others.   This is the THIRD year for Fueling the Future – a time when communities and individuals join each other to ensure that...

Political signs defaced and destroyed

  It shouldn’t matter to which political party you belong, everyone seeing these photos should be outraged. On Saturday during the annual Oracle Run, several political candidate and proposition signs were discovered removed from where they had been placed, torn...

Letter to the editor: Vote Your Values, Fight for Your Rights

Vote Your Values, Fight for Your Rights Vote Your Values, Fight for Your Rights Vote Your Values, Fight for Your Rights How does voting in every election affect you, from midterm to general? The people you elect up and down the ballot make decisions that impact your...

Vote Yes On 469: Fund The Projects To  End Pinal County Gridlock

As a business owner and former President of Pinal Partnership, which was formed to increase economic development opportunities and our quality of life, I have not only witnessed Pinal County’s rapid growth but also the lingering traffic problems that need attention...

Faraday Copper hosts public open house in San Manuel

By T.C. Brown   Faraday Copper, also known as Redhawk Copper, held a public open house on the evening of Oct. 3, 2022, at the San Manuel Community Center. This was one of three held in the Tri-Community.   Over 70 attendees were updated by Faraday Copper...

Copper Town Days 2022 Car and MC Show winners announced

  It couldn’t have been a prettier day for a car show. The sun was shining and the cars were polished to a high sheen, reflecting and catching the perfect rays of sunshine. There was a bit of a breeze, but with all the cars parked under the solar panels in the...