
Letter to the Editor: Mammoth Fiesta Committee plans block party

   The Town of Mammoth Fiesta Committee would like to share some exciting news. On November 3, 2018 the Town of Mammoth will be putting on their first of many parties celebrating our community and our area, the “Mammoth Fall Block Party.” All proceeds raised...

Dry Heat: Are Tacos More American Than Apple Pie?

   We have all heard the phrase “As American as Apple Pie”, usually describing something many consider to be indicative of “American” life, culture, or ideals such as baseball, 4th of July fireworks or rock and roll. So, just how American is apple pie?...

Letter to the Editor: Superior EMS is Superior indeed

I have fallen in love with Superior, AZ. since moving into our home over  1 1/2 years ago. There is such a wonderful sense of caring and community. In the middle of August I became very ill again for the second time in less than a month. This time it was...

From Family First Pregnancy Care Center: Frost on the Cactus

  It’s that time of the year when there is frost on the pumpkin, maybe frost on the cactus here in the southwest desert. Not really frost, but the nights are beginning to cool down a little! We do know that summer is winding down and fall is on its way. It’s a...

Dry Heat: Witch Hunt Bags Two More

  Today, August 21, 2018, Paul Manafort was convicted on eight felony counts and Michael Cohen has plead guilty to eight felonies. Both of these men were involved in President Trump’s campaign and have some knowledge of the Russian involvement in the 2016...