
Good Tidings of Great Joy!

And the angel said unto them, “Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”   “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace,...

A Note to Biden Voters

If you are willing to steal an election, I guess stealing Trump campaign signs doesn't bother your conscience in the least. /s/ Drew Mansager Registered Democrat for Trump

Freedom of Speech Is Our Right

Freedom of Speech is not my choice to give or take.   Nor is it yours or any other persons.  It is a God given right, confirmed in the Bill of Rights of our Constitution, top of the list.    Removing campaign signs for any candidate, or political issue, is...

Letter to the Editor: Our VOTES Matter! Keep Supervisor Rios

Get Out the VOTE! Keep Supervisor Rios!   We all have the opportunity to make a difference in our communities and our region.  While it may be easy to get bogged down by the national politics and the constant barrage of information being shared with us, we...

A Loyal Democrat

Kevin Cavanaugh is a complete fake.  His real name is Kevin Smith, who changed his name when he was terminated from a midwest law enforcement job,  He fled to Arizona to run for Pinal County Sheriff, congress twice, Justice of the Peace, and now County Supervisor. ...

Dry Heat: Let’s Have a Civil Election

A Biden-Harris campaign sign bears a tire mark where someone drove over it. I have received reports from several very reliable sources, that Biden-Harris campaign signs have been run over, knocked down and stolen, both in Oracle and San Manuel. One wonders of the...

Local Superintendent Says, Wake Up Arizona

I am writing this as a concerned citizen and superintendent who wants my students back in school. I know we are all tired of the coronavirus and just want to go back to a normal life. Me, too. But we are not where we should or could be at this time. Our collective...

Mammoth-San Manuel School Board Addresses Zoom Meetings, Trophies

The MSMUSD Governing Board operates under very specific guidelines as set forth by the State. We meet monthly for regularly scheduled meetings that are open to the public, which has become challenging due to social distancing. We recently began holding our meetings on...

Mayor Offers State of the Town of Kearny

Mayor Debra Sommers First and foremost, allow me to thank everyone for making the efforts to stay safe and use your God-given ability to make good decisions in preserving the safety and welfare of yourself and your family.    The Town Council decided to...