
Along the Gila: Welcome Back to Our Winter Visitors

Each year the Copper Basin is blessed with the influx of all our winter residents. They come from all over – Minnesota, Colorado, Michigan, Iowa, etc. – with a few Canadians thrown in for good measure. Many of them have been coming here for years, and recently I have...

Dry Heat: Obama Warned Us

  In 2010, during his State of the Union Address, President Obama warned the American people about some of the implications of the Supreme Court’s decision in the case involving Citizen’s United. Obama said “Last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law...

Pastor’s Corner: Getting Excited for God

We used to sing a chorus:  “get all excited and go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King!”  Yet, we don’t get excited about church.  It has become rather average and at times tends toward boring.   The most important choice you have ever made is...

Dry Heat: Is Trump a Racist?

  As the Martin Luther King holiday came and went, President Trump while meeting with Senators to discuss immigration, opens his mouth and inserts both feet. His shameful racist comments demeaning El Salvador, African countries and Haiti were deplorable. Of...

Georgie Digs: A Good Read for Teachers

According to her memoirs, after 1891-born Annie Forbach had attended school in Mammoth, Arizona, she attended the new school that had been established along Aravaipa Creek because by then there were more people with families living there. The first teacher at the...

Georgie Digs: Being Thankful

I am hopeful that this New Year of 2018 will be a peaceful and happy year for all, and I am very thankful for the good life I have had, and for my family.    I have tried to keep my mind busy with what interests me, especially writing my short Georgie Digs...

Along the Gila: Good Things are Happening in the Copper Corridor

My son, daughter-in-law and grand daughter are with us this week. They are from Bellingham, Washington. We wished they could be here on Christmas Day, but that was not possible since son Joshua is an Episcopal priest and was leading worship on Christmas Eve and...