
Gliders soar into Kearny Airport

A group of pilots, students and flight instructors from Superior Soaring glided into the Kearny Airport last week for a visit to the local airstrip. Dan Radcliffe and Doug Riggins from the Kearny Municipal Airport were on hand to greet them. ‘We hope to build a...

Young girl first to send letter to Santa for Christmas

  Santa Claus has once again teamed up with the Superior Sun and Save Money Market to collect the letters for all Superior children who want to send their letters to Santa. Xzaylea “Zay Zay” Membrila was the first to write her letter to Santa Claus and wants to...

San Manuel youngster is first to send letter to the North Pole

  Lawrence Duke, who is 5, was the first to mail his letter to Santa Clause in one of the special Santa Letter mailboxes. Lawrence would really love for Santa to bring him a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. He is the son of Daniella and Lawrence Duke of San Manuel....

Friends are first to send letters to Santa

  Friends Selenna Espinoza and Victor Sosa are the first in the Copper Basin area to mail their letters to Santa Claus. Selenna, who is 7 years old and a second grader at Leonor Hambly K-8 School, wants pizza Play-doh, a pink toy robot and a trampoline “for my...

Learning what Thanksgiving means to our youngest readers

By Lauren R. Carnes This Thanksgiving, we at Copper Area News are happy to bring back a classic holiday section that involves interviewing local children about the holiday. This reporter had the pleasure of interviewing children from the span of the Copper Corridor,...

New club coming to Oracle State Park: Ecology Club

By Nathaniel A. Lopez On Nov. 12, some volunteers from the Oracle State Park hosted a presentation at Mountain Vista Elementary School for seventh and eighth graders. The presentation was to introduce the students to a new club that is forming, the Oracle State Park...

Arizona Small Business Association recognizes Mayor Besich

Mayor Mila Besich from the Town of Superior was recognized by the Arizona Small Business Association.  Besich was awarded the Rural Impact Award during ASBA’s recent “Big Thank You” event.  The event awards business leaders from across the state and other...

Riot Grill opens in Oracle

By Nathaniel A. Lopez On Saturday, Nov. 9, the Oracle community welcomed one of its newest culinary locations. In the building that formerly used to house Cook Shack, now stands Riot Grill. The new restaurant is the creation of Dana Mayorga, and Bailey Macneill. Dana...

Local election results announced

  Nov. 5 has come and gone, and the fury over voting for the next president of the United States was not the only issue on the ballot. Several propositions were on the ballot including home rule elections in Mammoth and a school override election in Ray. ...