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Promoting Superior and the Copper Corridor in London

Last week I was honored to have represented our community in London.  The trip was a whirl-wind adventure crammed into just a few short days.  London is a beautiful city and if I could describe it quickly, it is like being in the capital of the world. ...

Superior Home Tour set for this weekend – Magma Hotel to be on tour

  The Superior Chamber of Commerce and all of the local businesses in town are gearing up to welcome thousands of visitors to Superior for the 11th Annual Home Tour and Antique Show.  This year the event was listed as one of the top five events to attend in...

Living like Larry

  For those of us who knew Larry Ramirez, we remember him to be a giving, caring person. He always (ALWAYS) had a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice. He had this ability to bring out the best in you and could charm a shy child into talking and smiling...

LOST: Hashbrowns, History and Hiking events coming to Superior

  The Legends of Superior Trails Inc. (LOST) will be hosting a series of fundraiser events called Hashbrowns, History and Hiking.  The fee is $20 and includes a hearty breakfast, a presentation on local history and a guided hike.  The events will be...