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High school fall sports season starts but will it finish?

Caption: Ray is a nay while Hayden is on hold. It’s practice only right now for the Superior Panthers. Whether they will compete or not is still in question. Photo by Phalicitee ‘Pinky’ Thomas   The Executive Board of the Arizona Interscholastic Association voted...

Jax has a new heart!

Baby Jax is recuperating from his heart transplant.   On July 23, after 47 days of waiting, Jax Ethan Formo underwent heart transplant surgery.     Even though Jax has received his heart, he continues to overcome obstacles related to this type of...

Spotlight: Town of Superior Intern Billy Coronado

This Summer the Town of Superior offered internship positions to college students and graduates.  Superior native, William “Billy” Coronado a recent Arizona State University graduate took one of the intern positions.  He recently graduated from ASU with a...

Mammoth-San Manuel School Board Addresses Zoom Meetings, Trophies

The MSMUSD Governing Board operates under very specific guidelines as set forth by the State. We meet monthly for regularly scheduled meetings that are open to the public, which has become challenging due to social distancing. We recently began holding our meetings on...

Citizens rally to support post office

  On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, people from Oracle and surrounding areas including SaddleBrooke Ranch held a rally in front of the Oracle Post Office. Around 60 people attended to display their support for postal workers and the post office as well as their disdain...

Copper Basin Community Health Care Foundation receives grant

  The Copper Basin Community Health Care Foundation has received a Grant from the  Brownfields Assistance Program and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.  The Grant will provide funds for assessment and cleanup of asbestos and lead...